ARJES GmbHBorntalstraße 9, D-36460 Krayenberggemeinde+49 (36969)


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Feierliche Übergabe des ersten EuRec S-750 durch Lennart Stecher (ARJES GmbH) und Jörg Hofer (Probst Maveg AG) an Patrick Martin und Gazmend Shabanaj (Remo Recycling AG)

First EuRec S-750 shredder in Switzerland

1. October 2024
The Hurni Group, a traditional Swiss family business, operates in the fields of building materials, waste disposal, recycling, excavation, and demolition. The first two-shaft shredder, EuRec S-750, has now been delivered to Remo Recycling AG, one of the five business divisions of the group, and put into operation thanks to the competent support of ARJES'...
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Der neue EuRec S-850 und der bewährte ARJES VZ 850 im Vergleichstest bei der Zerkleinerung von Palettenholz

EuRec S-850 vs. ARJES VZ 850

6. August 2024
Located directly on the Bavarian Chiemsee, the Biomassehof Chiemgau recently became the venue for an impressive practical test. The efficiency and performance of two shredding machines for processing waste wood were put to the test: the new EuRec S-850 and the well-established ARJES VZ 850. The goal of the comparison test was to evaluate the...
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Bagger bestückt Zerkleinerungsanlage von ARJES mit Altholz

Efficient waste wood treatment with the EKOMAXX 800 e-pu

4. June 2024
Since January 2024, the ARJES EKOMAXX 800 e-pu has been regularly deployed on the company premises of Heisterner Holz Recycling GmbH and is primarily used for the pre-shredding of waste wood.
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Mobiler Zweiwellenzerkleinerer TITAN 950 verlässt das ARJES Betriebsgelände

Working for the future with Remondis

22. August 2023
With great pleasure we would like to announce that REMONDIS Group is now the proud owner of our powerful TITAN 950.
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EKOMAXX 800 neben dem Geschäftsführer der Firma Schlabbers und Außendienstmitarbeiter von Moerschen

Prepared for all types of waste

30. May 2023
The Schlabbers disposal company has decided to purchase the EKOMAXX 800 mobile two-shaft shredder from ARJES.
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